We have had our first real winter weather this week, the sun shining only very briefly and brightly before returning to the bleak grey skies. Hibernation seems to be a very good option at this time of the year with a lovely warm fire, pots of soup for lunch and lots of projects to complete.
We have had the highest of highs with the birth of our new grand-daughter, Lulu , in Christchurch and now we are hanging out for photos. I keep picturing the family there and wishing I could be there for the cuddles...and the smells, the delicious scent of a new baby, the delicate touch of the skin next to yours, the tiny fingers curling around your own. All tiny miracles rolled into one little bundle.
Life is never static is it. Birth and death in some ways go hand in hand. We have this lovely addition to our family and my son, Lulu's father has had the news from one of his best and oldest friends that his father has died on the same day as Lulu was born. My son and John were often not the most well behaved boys growing up and I think the two fathers despaired of them ever taking a mature place in the world. Well, these two 'boys' have grown into wonderful caring people but oh, the stories they tell about their exploits. We have laughed until tears ran down our faces, John's father had wonderful tales about these two as well and we will always remember his sense of humour as he recalled their mischievous behaviour. There wasn't anything BAD, just the thought of'what next' for the parents.
Life goes on, it just makes us think as we enjoy memories and make new ones!
I have had some sewing to do, mending work shirts for my husband [he is a farmer] so mending is always 'something' I have to do. I was determined to do something for me to end the afternoon so backed a tapestry cushion cover I had completed many years ago with a woollen jumper from the Op Shop. I couldn't believe myself for when I was nearly finished sewing the two sides together I found I had cut the woollen side near the seam. What to do, I wasn't going to unpick the whole thing so I crocheted some of Lucy's tiny flowers, stitched one over the cut and then sewed several more on the same side. I will take a photo tomorrow when I hope the light will be better... I'm so pleased to have finished this project! I do have another waiting in the wings but it will have to wait!
Two of the baby beanies have begun their journey to their new owners and am now to put faces on the mice for them to go in the post.
I have said it before.... I do love to see all the summer photos from the other side of the world which help us remember that life is all about balance. The summer flowers are bright and joyful but there are still the lovely winter flowers to be enjoyed as well.
Maybe the borage is a little early to be flowering but who cares, not me!!
And these star shaped daisies are always happy to show their cheerful faces.