Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Over the last couple of months we hear very regularly through the day a little trilling from this elusive bird. Reminds me of the Scarlet Pimpernel...'We seek him here, we seek him there...the damned elusive pimpernel.'
Well, that is our pardalote!
We came to realize that they have a nest in the eaves of our house, I began hearing the chirping  especially as I drink my morning cup of tea in bed. Then I happened to see a tiny bird disappear in the direction of the chirrups.

The next pieces of evidence were the dangling pieces of grass, out from the 'hole' they have taken over.

 Then I just managed a shot of him..or her.

The bird is a striated pardalote. There is a spotted version which we have seen here some time ago and until I saw it up close I thought this was the spotted pardalote. 
We have both enjoyed our discovery and want to get the camera close and see if we can snap something in their hollow. But I need the big one to bring down a ladder, maybe tom orrow.
We have been in the garden quite a bit over the last couple of weeks. I am enjoying being outside now as it is not too hot and I am feeling better than I have for a few months...thank goodness. I just hadn't had energy to spare. Needless to say the house is rather grubby but that can wait.
that is all for today as I am off outside again!

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