Friday, September 3, 2010


I am off to the dentist in Melbourne to begin the journey of a root canal in a little while. As you can imagine I am not looking forward to it and am not having my regular dentist as he is too busy for an emergency appointment so I have his partner< I am sure he is just as good but I need my security man! I feel like a child who can't have what she wants!! my dentist is Scottish and a really lovely person.... boo hoooooo!
Enough complaining, I will let you know tomorrow how I get on!
SO I needed a walk in my garden before I get changed and wend my wa to Melboure, on the train so that is easy. I thought you might like to walk around with me!
The above photo is an old plum tree that struggles on, lovely shade in the summer and the birds love to enjoy their day in and under it.

This almond tree must be very very old , gnarled and twisted and again struggling to live through all the droughts we have had. It is just outside the garden and doesn't get watered so a brave old tree. 

We have three Manchurian pears all coming out, I do love them.

An old japonica resued from the old garden.
Daffodils shy of the 'cuddling couple' statue given to me by No 4 grandson, so thrilled with himself as he knew I would LOVE it!

And some of our black babies outside the garden fence! They are very curious and always come to check out what we are doing, especially if the dogs are with us.
Have a good day and send me good vibes at the dentist today!

1 comment:

  1. Well I won't say 'have fun' but I hope it all goes as well as possible. The blossom is beautiful - ours is just starting up too. Love Kate xxooxxooxx.
