Thursday, September 17, 2015


      For some time I've been thinking of writing more about my inner thoughts and my mind-ramblings. My posts have always been about what I've been doing, things I've finished, WIP, or the flowers in my life and somehow now this is not enough. To satisfy me.
So, often, and not always, I want to open up my blog, sharing more of my thoughts. Not many photos, probably lots more words...I'll see where the mood takes me.
Last night we had two friends of very long standing come to stay, two sisters. Middle daughter came for dinner and we had a very happy night, reminiscing about times gone by, our children being much the same age and having spent lots of time together. 
Today's post then is about the value of friendships, old and new, friendships that endure through thick and thin.
A few days ago I spent a couple hours with three friends who have been part of my life for the last fifteen years, not a huge period of time  but nevertheless very important and valuable. We had been playing scrabble when one friend commented on the value of friendship. We are all in our seventies, facing different sorts of challenges. Our discussions had ranged this day from shoulder operations, illnesses, relationships, as well as age related challenges, not just about ourselves but wide ranging through our community and beyond. What was so important about our chatter was the laughter we shared as we 'wandered' through our afternoon. We laughed as we forgot whose turn it was, we laughed as we stumbled over spelling, we laughed knowing that we do all have senior moments, that we really weren't showing signs of early dementia, an illness feared by most people of our age. It is laughter that cements a friendship I am quite sure, laughter that washes away the tears, laughter that keeps one forging ahead. 
 By the way...I was comforted by one of my girls a few days ago when she said, Mum, you've always been absent minded so you're no different now!
I have moved house, had different situations throughout my life and I sometimes envy those who have stayed in the same home or area most of their lives. But now I could say that each move turned out to be a differnt stage of my life. And accompanying those different stages I've had friends that have travelled beside me.
Sometimes these friendships have endured whereas other friendships have ended or just drifted away. At times I've been saddened by this but I now feel these friends who walked beside me were there to help me through particular stages in my life. And some of these friends would move on as well, to walk beside others who need a helping hand. Like giant shifting tides coming and going, a huge jigsaw of friendships fitting together, circles spinning, moving, joining, and spinning on to other circles.
The amazingly wonderful thing too is that there are all the close friends who will always be close, whether you see them every twenty or thirty years, every week or more often, or just occasionally, always the same, always able to share in whatever is going on, always with a smile and a hug, the hug that says so much.
I am so grateful to all those friends who have helped me get to where I am now. In fact I feel incredibly blessed as I look back and remember. 
And that is where I'm at today! 


  1. This is a lovely post, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts on friendship. I cherish friends as much as I cherish family. I am not making friends easily and every single one is a blessing. I've had senior moments all my life. The other day I called my husband by my daughters name :-) x

  2. So true, and I agree that sometimes friendships drift, whilst others endure. I don't worry about that now, The expression about friendships being for 'a reason, a season, or a lifetime' makes sense to me. X

  3. Thankyou Christina and Penny for visiting and I'm glad this post struck a chord. And Penny, I hadn't heard your saying about friends being for a season, a reason or a lifetime. I think it is absolutely true. Tomorrow I meet up with a friend of at least 50 years and I'm so looking forward to it. We hardly ever catch up so this will be a treat!

  4. I have 5 close friends,I treasure them all. I have been friends with my oldest friend for over 50 years, we no longer live close by but meet at least once a year (usually have a holiday together) and it is like we just stepped into the next room for a few minutes. We never stop talking and smiling.
    Carol xx
