Sunday, August 3, 2014


This is just a little moan about my ipad, my ipad which I love to bits! When I make comments, either replying to someone's kind comments, or, when I leave a comment on other blogs, my ipad freezes in mid sentence. Often I can eventually get it going by hitting, not literally although I do feel like it, the preview button, then edit comes up, I tap that and away I go...but not always! I may go through the procedure several times before it works. Other times it just seems too difficult and I give up or return another time, sometimes with better results, sometimes not. I wonder whether others have this problem too...
My family gave me the ipad for Christmas some time ago, I really do love it even though I'm told sometimes by some of my older grandchildren that I am more addicted than they are! Blogging, scrabble, keeping in touch with family, sharing of photos, particularly with my family who live elsewhere and so on. I have a game of scrabble with myself first thing every morning, thinking my brain will slot into gear! Then I feel I can fall into reading my current book with my second cup of tea in bed without feeling I should be getting up! When my girls are with me, either in their homes or here with me we play a game together. I did start Scrabble with friends, maybe I'll get back to that.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend...we began the day with a frost but now it is beautiful so think I'll go outside and prune a few more roses...enjoy the rest of your weekend, love to all, Mrs A


  1. It is amazing how wonderful and powerful these little bits of technology are in our lives. I love that you enjoy it so much - you're very with it..... Love me. xxooxx. p.s. Can't wait for scrabble soon!

    1. Thank goodness I've had you all to help me get started! Love you too, Mum

  2. Hi Mrs A, sorry to year your I-pad is getting on your nerves (or 'ripping your knitting' as we say in our house!). I have found a similar issue with my iPad, and when my cursor stops, I find if I tap the key on the bottom right (the one that represents the typewriter pad), then tap the point where I want to start the next word, that seems to sort it out. This is a very laborious explanation for a process that takes half a second, but it might help? X

    1. Thanks Penny, I'm trying this as I write! I just wrote the first two words and then it happened so was able to try your suggestion out straight away...and it worked! I'm very grateful! Xx

  3. I've had issues with the iPad when commenting - it stops, I have to remove the keyboard for a second and then go back and it works. Not sure what the hangup is, though. Beautiful summer painting but you've had frost? I forget sometimes you are so far north!

    1. This all helps...and I'm sort of glad others have had similar problems. Not that I want you to have a problem but it does mean I haven't been doing something wrong! Hope you can understand those sentiments! This photo was taken early last summer before we left the farm, near one of my favourite spots, a lovely quiet almost meditation all spot. And we are in southeastern Australia! Xx

  4. Hi Mrs A! I'm happy I found your blog and got to see this beautiful picture of yours. Have a great week!

    1. Thankyou for coming...I've just been to your lovely blog. I was trying to translate with my school girl french when I saw you had thoughtfully put an English version! Xx

  5. Totally agree with the frustration of commenting using iPad. I start my mornings catching up with what's happened around the world and use my iPad but some days I have given up after the comments jammed up, yes I can do what others have suggested but sometimes even this does not work. On those days I then revisit from my laptop in the studio. Technology is great when it works but when it doesn't it takes more time than writing and posting a letter lol

    1. Isn't it frustrating! I check things out in the morning too although have to wait until breakfast when I'm near the Internet modem...doesn't work in the bedroom with my cup of tea! I can use the laptop but mostly leave it to E as he uses it a lot in the mornings too. Thankyou for visiting, hope that new little one and her mother are doing well, xx

  6. Thank you for sharing beautiful photos.
