Tuesday, June 4, 2013


It is raining outside, the boys are at school and Kate and I are happily puddling with paint and paper, each going in different directions. Kate sometimes uses pages from a Readers Digest condensed book, (her thinking is that a book should never be condensed so that it is perfectly permissible to desecrate a book by tearing out pages and using them for a different purpose!)
I have been flicking through a book Kate had found at the library, WATER PAPER PAINT, exploring creativity with watercolour and mixed media, written by HEATHER SMITH JONES. I'm glad to read anything that helps me to lose the boundaries that have built themselves around me, activities to squash my inner critic, the critic that says what I create isn't right, isn't good.
I began drawing birds, (the inner critic being very critical!) and then this bird morphed into shape in my visual notebook. There will be more tomorrow, using the painted paper hanging up in the window. I'm also being inspired with Kate's chooks so there maybe one of them might appear...as one did this morning outside my window when I was still in bed!
The photos of the chooks are taken by Kate, my camera...and the iPad just haven't the same oomph!


  1. Your chickens look so happy! Great collage, it is a wonderful idea to get your creativity going!

    1. It is good fun! I have two more on the go, sheer play! Thankyou for visiting! Mrs A

  2. WOW! What a great sharing today - the photos, the work in progress and that great rooster and saying!!! Made me smile.

  3. That's a beautiful bird mum, can't wait to see more!
