Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blue Beanies For The Bald and The Beautiful

Nearly two years ago we lost a very dear family member with a brain tumour. 
From tragedy comes such amazing courage and inspiration and this is why the beanies have emerged. The boys and quite a few of their school-friends raised money for cancer research by shaving their heads at school, with proper hair-dressers I must say...they didn't start attacking each other with scissors or anything else...! Each boy with a shaved head was given a hand-knitted beanie along with 'footy' caps and other goodies in a bag, a sort of a 'show-bag'. The knitters were wonderful and not only volunteered their services but donated the wool as well whereas this year we are buying the wool and giving a pattern so that the beanies are all the same. The blue beanie became quite a badge of honour, being worn at school with pride. It was a noble effort as we know boys like to hang onto their hair until parents put their collective foots [yes I know, it shoud be feet!] down and say a haircut is mandatory!
The event was called The Bald and the Beautiful ... as the boys were, and some of the Dads, the teachers, including the Head-master and one Grandfather, the man of this house who even had his Father Christmas beard shaved as well. They raised quite a lot of money with the help of very generous friends and  family, it certainly made the whole thing well worthwhile!
I wanted to show off the first beanie and didn't want to pose, beanies look awful on me so vanity had to be considered!

This became the model.....

then this......

 I think it suits my model much more than ever it would me!!


  1. Hilarious - the boys will think it is hysterical!

  2. Fantastic idea getting the kids involved and who wouldn't want to wear a cool blue beanie. I love your model too.

